Laser Etching: Everything You Need to Know

Issuing time:2021-03-04 04:37:53


Laser etching applies in Ottomans, Sofas, Cushions, Seats, and Headrests in homes and hotels. To add aesthetic looks and wonderful patterns to personal or business belongings, laser etching is the best option. It is an elegant way to represent your materials. There, however, is no limitations to the designs. You come up with your imagination, laser etching will make it to reality. It contains an infinite number of images and patterns. This thus includes logos, brand images or patterns, and everything that you can imagine.

laser etching

What Is Laser Etching?

Laser etching is the latest technology that now is taking the form of etching and engraving art using laser lights. The process comes to this stage with series of improvements and developments. It hence uses a series of laser lights to singe a design on the surface of the material. The material however must be stuff that is a bit soft and porous. The most common of them all is leather and other hard fabrics.

The size and the thickness, nevertheless, of the design depend greatly upon the design itself and the nature of the material. The laser etching method hits the lower layers of the material. Upon completion, it adds the suede-like texture. Furthermore, in leather laser etching, each fiber of the leather reacts to the laser light distinctively. Therefore, we happen to observe the difference in shades and texture of the design.

How does Laser Etching work?

Laser etching is the automated process that involves the designing of the image or texture using computer programs. However, all of the laser etching methods foremost start with design the artwork itself. The initial design of the logo or image must come like a line drawing. It could be as a vector file or as a PDF file. Nevertheless, there is no restriction on the size and scale. It all eventually depends upon the nature of the design. Additionally, it may comprise small as well as large designs. For this reason, for the small application, the exact size and location of the mark must be pre-determined.

Therefore, when the customer finally decides on the artwork, the vendors help them in finalizing the exact size and place of installation. The process involves an automated procedure by using CAD software. The system first scans the material on which the customer wishes to install. After that, the system thus designs the art according to the specifications. Once the system specifies the artwork in the CAD program, the machines thereby follow the line drawing and draw the design in a very precise manner. Furthermore, the working mechanism of the laser etching is exactly the subset of the laser engraving method. On the contrary to laser engraving, laser etching involves the cutting not very deep.

By this, it means that the depth of the cutting is not more than that of 0.001 inches. The process involves more than mere cutting. It consequently affects the reflexivity of the material. The process, therefore, is very much ideal for the thin material. This involves jewelry and other leather materials. Similarly, laser etching is ultimately a process that lies in between two separate methods: Laser Marking and Laser Engraving.

Benefits of Using the Laser Etching Method

Unlike mechanical engraving and other similar methods as sandblasting, laser etching remains the most favorable method. The characteristics thereby are more feasible than other methods. The most prominent characteristics of all are:

Precision and Steadfastness

The foremost characteristic and benefit of using the laser etching method are its precision and steadfastness in the process. It thereby covers the highly precise design in a very effective and detailed manner. The pictures or images which no matter is complex, the method does it very precisely. Only in this way, hence, the vendor gets the highly detailed engraved project.

laser etching

Consistency and Robustness Is the Key

The vendor saves the design files as a pdf file. The saved file hence, are ready to reproduce the same design on-demand with the same level of quality and precision. The process furthermore is the robust method. By this, it means that it is a contactless method and therefore eliminates the use of any glass sheet. Additionally, the method is effective enough to let go of any chances of breakage as well.

Efficiency and affordability

The laser etching method is relatively the most effective and cost-efficient in the market. This hence is the inexpensive method and therefore doesn’t look for any special tools as cutters or drills.

The Flexible Execution Is Everything

The laser etching method is ultimately is the most forgiving method. This method thus is more effective and flexible when it comes to execution in comparison to mechanical and sandblasting methods.

Cleanliness Is Close to Godliness

Other similar processes as sandblasting and metal etching are more prone to the production of much mess during the production phase. However, this method of laser etching, there, eventually involves more clean working during the production.

Is it an Expensive Method?

It is not an expensive method at all. However, some of the more advanced machines, as well as companies, come up with more expensive services. This consequently, happens for a reason for offering more advanced tech services. The reasons for the existence of a price gap between many companies occur due to many reasons. Amongst them are:

  • Normal laser etching machines are offering simple services. However, nowadays there are high-tech machines that avail customers services that strictly are following sustainable production services. By this, it means that old machines are not conscious of environmental production. Whereas, new tech machines equip IP rating mechanisms. These ratings hence offer protection against the possible spreading of dust, and other contaminations like water. The absence of these services resultantly affects your machines and may result in the breakage of mechanical units.
  • There is another dilemma that the old machines generate. The old machines happen to use cheap optical components for the laser etching method. The old components usually come up with low marking results. Nevertheless, the new tech machines are using high-quality optical equipment that favorable results in delivering durable, steadfast, and precisely contrast designs.
  • The previous laser etching equipment uses comes in plastic factory casings. This casing results in the defection of these components. Nonetheless, the new machine's equipment comes in metallic frames that are robust and sturdy in design. These casing or frames offers ultimate protection against sudden shock or falls. Furthermore, these frames eventually help the other components to stay in contact as well.

The Cost of The Machines

Generally, it is a very hard practice to even quote for an exact price for the laser etching process. This is because there is no single process involved in this. Furthermore, the prices of the processes and the services also vary from company to company. There is a rough idea that we can derive for you to understand the basics. The laser process, additionally, is not very much expensive. However, it varies from project to project. This means that the overall prices in the end eventually depend upon the level of automation involves in the process.

  • Topless lasers are less expensive.
  • Manual laser etching methods are more expensive involving the protection of human labor.
  • Semi-automatic is more expensive than the rest and fully automatic laser methods are the most expensive of them all.

For More Information, Contact Us Today!

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